I couldn't sleep last night. What a glorious, sacred experience to welcome this new little grandson. The word spoiling does come to mind. My life as grandmother is just beginning and holds so many great things to come, lots of secrets to be revealed and the making of some very special memories.
Our children were gifts given to us to cherish and to hold dear. Our grandchildren are icing on the cake, gifts given later in life to be enjoyed and loved. We are always parents, there when called upon and needed, always loving and being there when called to service. It's different with grandchildren, we are on the sidelines looking in, waiting to be invited, waiting to be involved. Lots and lots of love spilling over onto everyone, part of an extended family, what more could anyone ever want or need. The circle of life complete with all its components, a gift of joy in a sweet little baby.
Thank you to family and friends for sharing in our joy. Your gifts, phone calls and visits have meant so much to us. We love you!
I'm off to the hospital to hold my grandson.