I am so excited to start working on another project. Aunt Bernice has trusted me with some postcards, quotes, stories and pictures that Grandma had saved. What a year this has been for me! I enjoyed compiling the book to honor Grandma and Grandpa and to celebrate the centennial anniversary of Grandpa filing his homestead claim. Now to have the chance to compile the quotes and stories that meant something to Grandma in a book, is icing on the cake! I also love quotes so when I read through the papers and cards Grandma saved, it warmed my heart.So here are few of my favorites ~
The more you give the more you get
The more you laugh, the less you fret
The more you do unselfishly
The more you live abundantly
The more of everything you share
The more you’ll always have to spare
The more you love, the more you’ll find
That life is good and friends are kind
For only what we give away
Enriches us from day to day
That pretty much sums up the way Grandma lived her life.
I love these old photos!
I have 67 postcards and these are a few of my favorites ~
This one is to Grandma from her sister Mabel. I love it, she says "Be sure and have a big feed. Ha, Ha." Everyone loved Grandma's wonderful meals!
Looks like Grandma had a secret admirer!
This postcard says, "Dear Friend, If you don't get this card, let me know and I will send you another one." No signature, so who knows who sent it!
That's all for now... I will try to have to book ready by Christmas.