Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Brothers, Sisters and Good Food = one heck of a celebration to honor my Grandma and Grandpa Federer. We finally had the reunion to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Grandpa filling his homestead claim. It was a celebration of their lives and that of their children. It was a celebration of hard-work and sacrifice and of the wonderful legacy they left all of us.
The out-of-towners arrived and we are ready to party.
Aunt Bernice, Aunt Kay with her daughters and grand-daughters.
Aunt Kay will come to Provo next week for a few days of training. She will serve a year long mission in Chicago. She is so excited and will be a great missionary.
I thought our guests of honor should have corsages and boutonnieres. Uncle Dale is 81 and facing a possible heart valve replacement. I was so happy he could be with us.
Aunt Kay and Aunt Bernice ~ I love my Aunts. They are so much like Grandma... wise, witting and fun!!
My cousin Cherie helped me do the pinning!
Cherie pinning on Uncle Carl's boutonniere. We always called him Bub, however I found out a few months ago that he doesn't like that nickname!! Carl has esophagealcancer and has lost a lot of weight. He starts treatments soon, so we're sending lots of good thoughts and prayers his way!
Aunt Kay ~ Aunt Bernice Uncle Dale ~ Aunt Kay ~ Uncle Carl ~ Aunt Bernice I told them to look at me and say chesse!!
Uncle Dale was our master of ceremonies. He told jokes, stories, and did a great job. He loves public speaking, after all he was a college professor for many years!
Uncle Dale telling everyone about the Federer Book I compiled. I took about 30 more orders for the book.
Uncle Dale thanking me for helping organize the reunion. It was a team effort and I thank Aunt Bernice, Aunt Kay, Uncle Dale and my cousins, Debbie and Brenda for all their help.
Aunt Bernice gave this pin to me as a thank you gift. It was Grandma's and I love it. I put it on a chain and wear it everyday. Aunt Bernice said when Grandma's appendix ruptured someone gave it to her as a get well gift. What a treasure!
Then I got this watch from my cousins Teri and Cherie. I couldn't believe it was Skagen. It is made in Denmark and I have wanted one since we went to Denmark to pick up Mark from his mission. It is so sleek and elegant! I also got a beautiful scarf that my Aunt Judy made. It was so kind of them to say thank you in such a big way!
Aunt Judy also made this darling little hat for Cash. Mark and Tiff are such a great looking pair.
Aunt Bernice and Kay Ballard I love Aunt Bernice. We talk on the phone often. Everyone enjoyed the good food and catching up. Aunt Sharon brought this beautiful cake!
Uncle Dale asked each of Grandma and Grandpa's children to come up and introduced their families. Randy Wagner was the only one representing Uncle Clarence's family. Randy drove all the way from Texas to be at the reunion. We were so glad he did and really enjoyed visiting with him.
Randy held a button that my cousin Brenda made for all of us. It has a picture of Grandma and Grandpa on it. He said how much he loved Grandma and Grandpa and thanked them for their influence. He also paid tribute to his Mom, Cathy and said that she was a wonderful Mother. It was a tender moment.
Randy Wagner
Uncle Clarence's grandson and my cousin Cathy's son.
Oh how we wish Dad could have been with us. But Lloyd, Kenny and I did our best to represent him. We really missed having Marion, Ernie and Roseanne at the reunion.
I said Dad died when he was only 66 and that we miss him. I also gave thanks for our great heritage and the opportunity to gather as a family and celebrate. You can see Kenny is tearing up. Even tough cowboys have tender hearts!
Kenny's turn and he also gave a sweet tribute to Dad and then for Grandma and Grandpa.
I asked Lloyd if wanted to say something, he hesitated but then said how we are all better people for having a wonderful Dad and Grandparents who worked hard.
I sure love Lloyd. He is always helping his neighbors or Uncle Carl. I love seeing him with his grandson Paden!
My parents have been divorced for a long time so my Mom was a little hesitant to come the reunion. We were glad she did. She was a Federer for many years and Kenny thanked her for all she does for us!
Dad has the most posterity cause he has the most children!!
Jimmy, Casey, Shaylynn, Mom, Kenny, Theo, Britney, Teagan, Bobby, Lloyd, Tim, Eileen, Heidi, Troy, Holley, Enoch, David, Izzy, Joseph, Jake, Nevaeh, Declan, Mandy, Paden, Carl, and Gabriel. I hope I got that all correct. Whew!(I wish Chris, Mark, Tiff and Cash could have come!)
Uncle Dale introducing his family.
Teri, Cherie, Debbie, Dale and Alene.They all live in California.
Aunt Bernice introducing her family.
Cindy, Robert, Doug, Brenda, Dave, Bernice and David.
They live in Oklahoma.
Uncle Carl had to be coaxed to come up and said Hi and Good-bye!
He did introduce his family and talked about how he loved living on the ranch.
Click on people's faces in the photo to tag them.
Carl's son Chad, wife Tracy and boys Reece and Kaden.
Reece, Tracy, Kaden, Chad, Carlene, FarmGiant (for the life of me I can't remember his name, Carlene calls him the FarmGiant), Carl and Sharon.
Last but certainly not least is Aunt Kay's family.
Brittney, Melissa, Elisa, Aunt Kay, Sierra, Cami and Ava.
Grandma's nephew, George introducing the Parker's.
We were so happy to have so many Parker's at the reunion.
Sharon Willford, Mary Johnston, Kay and Kenny Ballard, Donna Ballard, Linda Bourret, Ted and Doris Walton, Pat and Rita Parker, George and Jan Parker.
Taking book orders!
I was excited to see Jim Federer. His Dad John was Grandpa's brother. John was thrown from a wagon and dragged by the four horse team. He left behind his wife and twelve children. He was just 55 years old.
I have so many happy memories of Jim leading the music in Sunday School. He cried when he saw me. Jim is obviously getting older and has a difficult time walking.So glad he could come!! This is a picture of Jim and his eleven brothers and sisters. Jim was so handsome, he is in the back row, third from the left. That's how I remember him.
Grandpa had a brother named Louie and his daughter Margaret Larsen is standing next to me and her daughter Pasty next to her. I played with Patsy and her sister Susie a lot. Margaret is the most happy, positive person I know.I haven't seen them for years.
We had almost 100 attend the reunion. Some had already left when this picture was taken.
Love my big brother Kenny! He calls me Sis and gives great hugs!
Lloyd, Carl Jimmy, David, Theo and Robert
Mandy, Jake and Ashley
Mandy has Dad's dimples and teaches at a country school in Nebraska.
Mom, Jimmy and Declan
The boys
And the girls!
Cousins, Vicki and Greg with Carl, cousin Carlene and FarmGiant.
It was so fun to see everyone visiting and renewing family bonds.
A big, heartfelt thanks to Mary Kay for taking pictures. You are a real sweetheart!! This was a once in a lifetime celebration and we probably will not have a gathering like this again. I will remember this day always.