With every calling there is a release. A few weeks ago I was released from serving as stake Relief Society president. Being called to serve, in whatever capacity, has brought blessings and greater meaning into my life. For almost 10 years I have served the Relief Society (organization for the women of our church). I first served as ward president for 4 years, then as a counselor in the stake Relief Society presidency for a year and a half then as stake Relief Society president for four and half years. It really has been a joyful part of my life. I have learned to love the sisters I served with. I do feel sad and will miss the association and blessings that were part of my life for so many years. I simply loved the calling I had. But I gracefully accepted the release. I know the call came from Heavenly Father as well as the release.
President J. Reuben Clark said, "In the service of the Lord, it is not where you serve but how." I know others where more capable than I was but the Lord gave me the responsibility for a reason. I learned so much and have had so many sacred experiences that I will treasure always.
Singing in the choir at the general Relief Society meeting. I got to sit in the same chairs where the Mormon Tabernacle Choir members sit!!

Women's Conference with Mariama Kallon
This was an amazing conference. We couldn't believe the things Mariama went through living in Africa. She told her story and it was inspiring. We also had a chance to do several service project after she spoke.Raised in war-torn Sierra Leone, Mariama Kallon saw many things as a young girl that might fill a person with fear and hatred. Soon after witnessing the violent murders of parents and siblings and spending her youth fleeing from rebels, she was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ and found hope in God and peace in a knowledge of eternal families. She was given a humanitarian kit by the Church, which became a treasured symbol of hope that she used to bless the lives of many as they again fled for their lives. After returning to her town, she was called on a mission to the Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission, and wept in gratitude to the Lord as she visited the place where her precious humanitarian kit was made. Today Mariama stands as an example of the divine purposes of humanitarian work and tells her story to numerous audiences, urging them to participate in this work. She currently resides and works in Salt Lake City, where she has attended LDS Business College.
Jennifer Welch-Babidge sang at the conference. She has a beautiful voice, one the best I have ever heard. She has performed with the Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera and many other stages around the world.
Amid the countless blessings the Lord has given me
The light of truth and goodness; the Holy Spirit's peace
I see the many sorrows that his children must endure
So much hurt I long to heal. How can I change the world?
There are hands I cannot hold
Hearts I cannot comfort
Tears that only miracles can stay
So let me love and serve and teach
Those who come within my reach
For miracles begin that way
The Savior walked in Galilee, unknown in many lands
Yet touching every nation by the labors of his hands
Giving light to all the world by teaching but the few
He is my example in the work that I must do
I will bear the burden of my neighbor in his need
I will share my Savior's love in every kindly deed
He will magnify my efforts, and I'll understand at last
That by these small and simple things are great things brought to pass.

I wonder what my next calling will be!