Lullabies and Sweet Dreams...
Almost 11 years ago Tim made a beautiful cradle for Tucker, Robyn and Bob's first son. Robyn told me she had been looking for a cradle but couldn't find one she liked. I asked Tim if he would make one for her and he willingly did. It has become a treasured family heirloom.
Asher, Tucker, Abe, Elijah, Gabi, Jude, Greta, Kashli, Minie, Poppy and Brig have slept in the cradle. I hope I haven't forgotten one of our babies!
It was so fun to surprise Robyn at her baby shower with the brand new cradle.
Tucker sleeping peacefully.
Fast forward and now I have the cradle all ready for our first grandson!
You know I am excited to see him sleeping in the cradle. I can imagine Mark playing a lullaby on his guitar and Tiffani singing in her sweet voice to him.
Tiff went to the doctor today and the baby's heart beat was strong and he is measuring right where he should be... healthy boy!
Two baby showers for Tiff (and Mark) next week!!