She called me on Wednesday and said she had a treat for Mark. Her sister and brother-in-law live in Denver where there is an authentic Danish bakery called Taste of Denmark. Whenever they come for a visit, the treats from the bakery come too! The so called "Danish" they sell in the stores here are impostors. They can't hold a candle to the ones we tasted in Denmark. I went to her home in Lindon to get the pastries.
The man who owns the bakery in Denver is Ronny Tronoe. He was born in Roskilde, Denmark, about 20 miles west of Copenhagen. We stayed in Roskilde when we went to pick up Mark.
One Sunday when Ronny was a boy he passed by a bakery in Denmark. It was below zero outside and he had frozen toes. The baker asked him if I wanted to come in and warm up by the oven and put icing on some pastries. As fate would have, he started working at the bakery in his hometown, eventually becoming an apprentice for almost four years. He has been baking for over 25 years now. He said that the recipes are all in his head and some are over 200 years old.

How sweet of Kathel to think of Mark. The pastries were delicious, the melt in your mouth kind!
When I went to pick up the pastries, Kathel showed me around her home. She has many beautiful dishes and plates from Denmark, and you know I love dishes.