Friday, April 16, 2010

Once upon a time ...

It is so fun to remember. In my quest to finish the Federer Book, I ran across these pictures. I am not including them in the book, but sometime I will use them to tell the story of my family.

I remember being soooo embarrassed by this picture. But now I think it's very cute. Yep, that's my little bare bum!

After four brothers, my sister Roseanne was so happy to get a baby sister!

My oldest brother Kenny and my sister Roseanne. My Mom still has these darling outfits, she showed them to me last summer.

Kenny ~ Lloyd ~ Eileen
Roseanne ~ Marion ~ Ernie

How my Mom got us all cleaned up and ready for church is a wonder to me!!

Christmas ~ 1962

Mom ~ Dad ~ Marion ~ Roseanne
Kenny ~ Les ~ Eileen ~ Ernie ~ Lloyd

Life out on the prairies of Cheyenne was good. I am grateful to my parents for the sacrifices they made.