Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It seems these days most people think it unscientific to believe in "miracles." How you can look at the pictures of these four new little "miracles" that recently joined our extended family, and not believe in miracles?!
Beckham and Ellery
My prayers each night are about 15 minutes longer as I have asked Heavenly Father to bless my nieces and my daughter-in-law to have healthy babies. I think it's a miracle every time a baby is born healthy. Perhaps it's something we take for granted.
Babies have so much power! Babies make the old forget their aches. They make the sick feel vibrant and alive. They make the worried and stressed feel hopeful and at ease. An infant's giggle; their willingness to keep trying after each failed attempt to crawl; the goo's, dada's, blah-blah's, and raspberries -- they make you forget the pain in your back or the dirty dishes in the sink. Suddenly, you're laughing at their drool and living completely in the moment.
Sorry if I seem overly sentimental, but it's been one of those weeks. I just feel so much gratitude for the safe arrival of Rose, Beckham, Ellery and Brigham. And I will be equally grateful to welcome the next three ~ Tucker and Julie's son in May, Bob and Robyn's son in July and my grandbaby in September. I can't wait to find out if Mark and Tiff's is a boy or a girl!!