I first met George Durrant while Tim was serving in a bishopric at BYU. He is a very positive and happy person. I would shake his hand and say "How are you?" His reply was always, "It's my best day so far!" He said: "One day I just thought, this is my best day. This is the only day I've got, so this is my best one." What a way to approach life! He serves on the same shift I do at the temple and still uses that same phrase!
Yesterday I had one of my best days so far. I was invited to a devotional and luncheon for church curriculum volunteers and the women that serve as church service missionaries representing the Primary, Young Women, and Relief Society general presidencies. Prior to the devotional, Sister Beck and her councilors invited those of us that serve with her at the Relief Society building to a separate meeting. Sister Beck thanked us for our service and then open the meeting up to questions. What a privilege it was to spend an hour together.
After the meeting with Sister Beck we walked to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building for the devotional. Elder Bruce C. Hafen conducted the meeting in the chapel. The Christmas decorations at the J.S.M.B. were so beautiful, as always!
Elder Russel M. Nelson presided at the meeting!
Elder Neil L. Anderson gave the devotional address. He talked of how we anticipate Christmas, especially little children. He also spoke of those who anticipated the birth of the Savior and in our day the anticipation of His second coming. He said that "the best way we can prepare for the Savior’s coming is to accept the teachings of the gospel and make them part of our lives. We should live each day the best we can, just as Jesus taught when he was on the earth. We can look to the prophet for guidance and follow his counsel. We can live worthy to have the Holy Ghost guide us. Then we will look forward to the Savior’s coming with happiness and not with fear." The Lord said: “Fear not, little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come. Behold, I come quickly. Even so. Amen” (D&C 35:27).
Guess who I sat with at the luncheon? ~ Sister Beck and Sister Allred! We had a wonderful visit and I just can't believe how blessed I am. Sister Beck and her counselors are so loving and approachable. They watch over the nearly six million Relief Society sisters, in over 170 countries around the world! Sister Beck told everyone that I made her a birthday cake a few years ago when her granddaughter was baptized at our Stake Center. She asked what else she could do to support me in my calling as stake Relief Society President. I think I answered with something that was half-way intelligent but I will be darned if I can remember what is was!!
Life is full of best days!