Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Xie Xie - Shieh Shieh - Thank you

Yes, Chris is home safe from China!

I can now rest easy.

Guangzhou, China ~ Population 9 million

I still breathe a huge sigh of relief when I know that one of my sons (or my daughter-in-law) has made it home safely and are in for the night ... even if they no longer live with us!

I know he's a smart, capable and an experienced traveler but I am a mom and I worry. I was happy to see him at the Salt Lake airport looking well and happy.

Highland, Utah ~ Population 11,000

Once a parent always a parent. I don't think a parent EVER stops caring or wanting their children to be safe and happy even if they know that their children are grown and competent people.

Happy to have you home Christopher!!