I'm so busy ....
I don't know if I found a rope or lost my horse!
I don't know if I found a rope or lost my horse!

Ann Adamson, Shauna Valentine (filling in for Valerie Blain) and Val Peterson
I have given a lot of my time preparing for Stake Leadership Training. All the effort paid off and we had a very successful night. We dressed like EMT's and used the theme Edify, Minister and Teach. The invitations we sent looked like a doctor's prescription.

This post is really for Tim. He has been so patient and supportive for the last 2 months or more! He has helped with all my extra tasks and done so lovingly. He has not complained once. Thanks so much my dear!
I use a planner to write all the things I need to do. I say all the time, "If I don't write it down, I'll forget." Sometimes I feel like I spend as much time recording my life events as I do participating in them!
"Too busy" is a phrase we say and hear as often as "good morning."
The danger in being too busy lies in not allowing enough time for what is most important. So we need to re-evaluate our schedules and it may mean that we have to eliminate some things. That can be a challenge! In our busy 24/7 world, busyness creeps up on us and I personally have a difficult time saying NO!
Buddha talked about what it takes to be a good ox-driver. The driver knows how heavy a load his ox can carry. He does not overload the ox. You know your way and your state of mind. Do not carry too much.
The danger in being too busy lies in not allowing enough time for what is most important. So we need to re-evaluate our schedules and it may mean that we have to eliminate some things. That can be a challenge! In our busy 24/7 world, busyness creeps up on us and I personally have a difficult time saying NO!
Buddha talked about what it takes to be a good ox-driver. The driver knows how heavy a load his ox can carry. He does not overload the ox. You know your way and your state of mind. Do not carry too much.
Good advice!
Another good quote: "A man of knowledge gains something each day. A man of wisdom gives up something each day."
When my days are especially busy, that old saying "Stop and Smell the Roses" holds even more meaning.