Uncle Dale and Dad, both looking very handsome in their military uniforms. I love the old car they're are standing next to.
Uncle Dale during the time he served in Korea.

I have heard that Uncle Dale had a strong will and was very determined. I'm sure that determination is what molded him into the great man he is. He was teased a lot growing up by guess who? ~ his older brothers! He was always serious and very intent on doing what was right.
He is charming and so kind. He loves to tell stories and has an amazing memory. He also has a cute sense of humor.
Uncle Dale taught agriculture and wrestling at the high school in Saratoga, Wyoming. He was very respected there and is still honored when he comes to town.
He was also a professor at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo for many years.
He still lives in California and has chickens that are treated like royalty. He has lost a lot of weight. He told me that he is on the "chicken diet." He always saves some of his meal when he eats out and brings the left-overs to the chickens! Portion control!!