Monday, September 21, 2009

Quote for the week

"When our first parents were driven out of Paradise, 

Adam is believed to have remarked to Eve: 

"My dear, we live in an age of transition!"

~ Dean Inge


It seems from the beginning of time we have been in transition! Transition follows us the moment we were born until the moment we die. First, we make the transition from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood. Then we make the transition from single life to married life, from an active career into retirement. In between are many other difficult transitions challenging us, sometimes ripping our very hearts apart that we wonder how on earth we’re ever going to survive.

TRANSITION is CHANGE. It seems whether we like it or not change happens. Sometimes we welcome transition and other times it can be difficult. 

Our sweet Johnnie Belle is in the middle of a transition and we find some aspects of it challenging and a little sad. 

Christopher will miss having his grandmother close by. Right now driving to Salt Lake to visit her seems like a trip to the moon. He has been visiting her every Sunday now for many years and those frequent visits are all about to change. Tim will miss zipping over on his scooter several times a week to see her. We won't be able to drop by dinner as often and so we need time to adjust.

A lifetime of important papers!

Favorite pictures.

Many treasures collected over the years.

The living room where we have 
gathered for many parties looks very bare.

Johnnie Belle wanted to make sure nothing went to Deseret Industries that she still may need!

It is wonderful to have strong sons that are always willing to help.

We hope it is an easy transition for her.

Change ... transition, Who needs it?!