My brother Lloyd and Aunt Bernice, Dad's sister
Day 4 ~ Sunday, September 13 was the Parker ~ Federer reunion. My Grandma was a Parker. She had one brother Frank and the reunion was held at his son Pat's farm in Laramie, Wyoming.

Dad's brothers ~ Carl "Bub" and Dale. They rarely take their cowboy hats off but they wanted to see who had the most gray hair. Uncle Dale wins but he is several years older!

Dad's brothers and sisters ~ Carl who lives a few miles outside of Cheyenne, Dale and Kay live in California and Bernice lives in Oklahoma. I haven't seen my Dad's brothers and sisters for a long time. We had so much fun reminiscing and I love hearing them tell stories. I laughed so much, I was exhausted by the end of the day. They all have a great sense of humor!

Uncle Carl's family ~ his wife Sharon, son Chad with his wife Tracy and two darling cowboys, Reece and Kaden. Back in the day, Uncle Bub was a big rodeo star!
Cousins ~ my niece Holley, her husband Enoch and son David Ivan, my brother Lloyd, cousin Debbie, my brother Kenny, me and cousin Mike.
I really enjoyed watching Dad's brothers and sister interact. Of course I wished my Dad could have been with us.
Uncle Dale with his daughter Debbie and son Mike.

This is my niece Holley's son, David Ivan. He came up to me and said, "Did you know that Grandpa Ivan had a STRONG testimony!" Well I said, "I sure did!" It's so wonderful that Holley keeps Dad's memory alive.
I sure love my brothers, Kenny and Lloyd.
They were my protectors growing up.

Aunt Kay is a lot like Grandma Federer. She was recently released from serving as a ward Relief Society president after 7 years! Remarkable!! I love and admire her so much.
Uncle Dale looks so much like Grandpa Federer. He was a physiology professor and taught at Cal Poly University in California for many years. He is our college man, as Aunt Bernice would say! He is a gentle, kind person.

My great-niece Elizabeth ~ looking like a moving star!
My sister Roseanne's daughter, Holley with Aunt Kay and Aunt Bernice. Holley had a special relationship with Grandma Federer. Grandma nicknamed her Flossie! Holley is a great mom and wife!
Holley with Aunt Bernice, she has a great memory. I love hearing her share stories of life on the homestead! She has been nanny for many years, very loving and sweet.
Kaden Federer will know doubt break a few hearts.
He is so adorable!
Aunt Bernice with my oldest brother Kenny and his handsome son Jimmy. They won't take their cowboys hats off so their faces are always shaded!
Little cousins who can't resist playing in the dirt!

The Parker family
This is Pat Parker, he and his wife Rita were wonderful hosts. The food was so delicious! Pat is a big teddy bear and lots of fun. It was delightful to reconnect with all my relatives.
What a terrific day!