All packed up, saddled up and ready to move Mark and Tiffani into their first home!! Can they get the sofa around the corner and up the stairs?!! Thankfully Mark and Chris using their brute strength, lifted all the heavy stuff! Thanks to our friend Rulon for loaning us his big trailer. The Williams' and Harris' made quite the efficient moving team ~ go Cindi and Tim! We did it and Mark and Tiff are so happy to be in their home. Thanks to their new neighbor Tim for also helping us. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams are now homeowners. They have saved for almost two years and have purchased a home in Cedar Hills. We are thrilled to have them so close!! It is the perfect home for them. It has 3 bedrooms so they will have room to expand and add to their family!! It is just about 10 minutes from us and we can walk there if we wanted to. Tiff's Mom and Dad live down the street so needless to say all the parents involved are so happy!
They have spectacular views ~ you can see the Mount Timpanogos Temple.
Another beautiful view of the mountains.
Beautiful scenery ~ I am a bit envious. We are going to miss our basement dwellers! They have been good tenants.