"She slips into this world, and into my arms, placed there by heaven. She is straight from God. An indescribable gift. As I look upon her, peace and purity fill the air around her. Through joyful tears I whisper in her ear, "We are glad you are here, we waited so long to see you." She opens her eyes, and I am transformed - a timeless moment filled with the infinity of what life is. In her eyes I see total recognition. In that instant I feel, and in my heart I know everything I need to know to guide her.
Time will fly; suddenly she will be grown, a young adult, ready to soar into the world and give what she came her for. Letting go will be wrenching, and yet we know that she is not ours to keep. She came to teach us our lessons, to give us joy, to make us whole and to connect us to God. ... an indescribable gift!" - Jeanette Lisefski
My niece, Brooke and her sweet family
Poppy's blessing day - January 4, 2009

What wonderful way to start the new year ... to share in the joy of Poppy's blessing day. The ordinance of giving a name and a blessing is a sacred and happy experience. I always get chills when I see worthy Priesthood holders stand in a circle holding a baby. Yesterday was no exception. Dustin, who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood, gave Poppy a beautiful blessing. I am still processing the full-time mission!! I looked over at this precious baby, only a few months old, and her sweet mother and wondered what she might become ... no doubt great thing are in store for Poppy!