Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blessing Dress - The Next Generation

This post is of Glenn and Johnnie Belle's grandchildren and great-grandchildren who were blessed in the dress mentioned in the previous post. I loved looking at these pictures. It was fun to see how we've changed and our different homes. Now many of our children have children of their own. While the blessing dress is now retired, the ordinances of giving a name and a blessing at the hands of a worthy priesthood holder continues. This pattern was observed even before the birth of the Savior when Zacharias and Elisabeth presented their son to receive his earthly name and blessing. The child's name had been revealed to Zacharias by an angel. He was to be named John the forerunner of Jesus Christ. By the power of the priesthood, this blessing was given. What a wonderful way to start our earthly mission!!

"And he took them up in his arms, put his
hands upon them, and blessed them" (Mark 10:16).

* Miranda Jane Williams - February 5, 1996

Bryce Robert Williams - June 6, 1974

Brad Stuart Williams - March 3, 1976

Robyn Michelle Williams Lamoreaux - August 24, 1978

Kennan Elizabeth Williams Gregory - October 28, 1982

Brooke Christine Williams Jackson - March 11, 1986

Paige Ana Williams Clark - July 6, 1987

Christopher Glenn Williams - September 18, 1982

Christopher Glenn Williams (4 generations)

Mark Joseph Williams - August 12, 1993

Mark Joseph Williams (4 generations)

Julie Diane Williams Brown - November 8, 1982

Jodi Kay Williams Muraski - October 23, 1984

Lisa Michelle Williams Gurman - December 11, 1985

Eric Glenn Williams - January 16, 1989

* Brian Mark Williams - August 19, 1991

Rebecca Anne Kay - March 9, 1984

Matthew Alma Kay - April 7, 1986

Aaron Joseph Kay - April 21, 1988

Cheyenne Kay - May 3, 1992

Timothy James Chapin Kay - February 16, 1996

Robert Tucker Lamoreaux - November 7, 1999

Robert Tucker Lamoreaux

Abraham Brad Williams - April 3, 2001

* Alyssa Belle Parker - March 24, 2005