First snow to wash the autumn dustFirst white to clean the gold
First beauty, only moments to last
First change to fresh the old
First light to kiss the gloomy day
First soft to mild the lawn
First clean to wash the dusty way
First cool to touch the dawn
Admittedly, I am excited to see this! I smiled when I woke up this morning and saw the snow on the trees and grass. It's beautiful! But, it's all melting fast. I love living where there are 4 seasons - and sometimes I even miss Wyoming winters. I remember a winter where we were snowed in for 3 weeks. Without electricity! The wind had blown down all the power lines. The snow plows made an effort to plow the roads but the wind would blow the snow back as fast as they could plow it. We used the fireplace for heat and cooking. My Dad and brothers would hand pump water from the well into big milk cans. It was fun ... for about a week.