Friday, January 31, 2025


Grahm was enjoying some of Christopher's fancy water. He had another good game. He got a basket and played his best defense. We sure love watching Grahm play.

After Grahm's basketball game last Saturday, we went to gather up our cute granddog Grizzly. But not before he got one more hug from Tiffani!

His family is off on another cruise and we are always happy to have Grizzly hang out with us. He is so obedient and sweet. He helps me get my steps in each day too. 

The other day he lost one of his favorite squeaky toys. We looked everywhere. Later that day I heard him bark just one time. He was by the entertainment center in the family room. All the lights were off but he spied his toy under one end of the center. Grizzly was so happy when I pulled it out. 

A few nights ago I was getting ready for bed. I always go to bed before Tim becuase I get up early for work. I don't let Grizzly sleep in my room because he's too wiggly. I put his bed in the laundry room along with his monkey toy. Then Grizzly runs downstairs and watches TV with Grandpa until bedtime. One night I heard scratching at the door. Grizzly had got his monkey and was waiting for me. It was so sweet and tried to have him sleep in the bedroom with me, but like I said he wiggles too much. He was a good boy and went back in the laundry room.

Grizzly likes playing in the snow. It melted pretty fast and the weather has been so nice for January. 

I was sitting at my desk one night. I have a pouf that I made under the desk. I use it for a foot rest. Grizzly climbed up on the pouf and slept there for an hour or so.

I have no idea how Grizzly got his chewy toy stuck in his bed.

If Grizz heard a noise outside he would jump up on the bench and bark a few times. He's a good guard dog. 

I put Grizzly toys in this plastic bin. I think he likes taking them out but he hasn't learned how to put them back yet! I got him a bin for his house also.

No one had to tell Grizzly to make himself to home.

We have really missed Mark, Tiff, and the boys and will be so happy to have them home. But I will miss Grizzly. He's always happy to see me when I get home from work. I'll just have to visit him often. 

Hurry back our sweet little granddog. We love you Grizz!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025

Help us be Saints...

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

Peacemakers! How it would change personal relationships if followers of Christ would forgo harsh and hurtful words in all their communications.

In general conference last year, President Russell M. Nelson gave us these challenges:

“One of the easiest ways to identify a true follower of Jesus Christ is how compassionately that person treats other people. …

“… True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers.

“… One of the best ways we can honor the Savior is to become a peacemaker.”

Concluding his teachings: “Contention is a choice. Peacemaking is a choice. You have your agency to choose contention or reconciliation. I urge you to choose to be a peacemaker, now and always.”

As followers of Christ, we teach and testify of Jesus Christ, our Perfect Role Model. So let us follow Him by forgoing contention. As we pursue our preferred policies in public actions, let us qualify for His blessings by using the language and methods of peacemakers. In our families and other personal relationships, let us avoid what is harsh and hateful. Let us seek to be holy, like our Savior, in whose holy name I testify and invoke His blessing to help us be Saints. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Following Christ | President Dallin H. Oaks
October 2024 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

There is nothing like being a grandparent...

Grandchildren are truly a blessing from the Lord. I had heard for years how there is nothing like being a grandparent. People can’t even describe the love that they have for their grands. Fouteen years ago, I figured that out for myself. And we do love Cash so much!

PC to Tiffani

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Grandma life...

Just another sleepover with Colby and Grahm. They are as fun as a barrell of monkeys!

Colby made the most delicious cream puffs. 
It's always fun to cook with him! 

I love you too Grahm!

We also made puff pastry pizzas. 

Love my helpers!

Grahm lost another tooth.

I took Colby and Grahm home and I was happy to see Cash. I got a wooden puzzle and the others boys tried to put it together. Then they said you need to give it to Cash.

You just can't imagine how sweet this grandma life is until you experience it. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Feeding the goats...

Cash and I often stopped at a pasture near his home to feed goats. He loved feeding and petting them. So many happy memories with our Cashee boy!