Thursday, November 28, 2024

ThrowBack Thursday ~ My Colby Colbs...

 They really are growing up so fast!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Let's get full...

“Let’s become “rooted and grounded” in our Jesus and in His love. Let’s look for and treasure experiences of feeling His love and power in our lives. The joy of the gospel is available to all: not just the happy, not just the downcast. Joy is our purpose, not the gift of our circumstances. We have every good reason to “rejoice and be filled with love towards God and all men.” Let’s get full.”

God's Favourite | Karl D. Hirst 
October 2024 

Moroni 7:48
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

The two G's...

Friday with the two G's never gets old. Grey having fun with the Mac and Squeeze toys.

We played with some clay too. We took turns making something and we all guessed what it was. We laughed and had a good time. Grey and Grahm are creative!

Grahm explained in perfect detail why he wore four shirts to school!

Silly selfie!


Grahm pretending to be angry!

We haven't had pizza for awhile. Grahm always goes for pizza bites.

Grey surprised us and made some amazing calzones. 

We played a few games and Grandpa made delicious root beer floats. There is an art to it!

Teeth brushed, time to get cozy, and watch a movie.

We read a few books before lights out. Grahm even read one. I love hearing him read, he's getting so good at sounding out words, even the big ones. He brought a library book home and it was pretty long. He read a few pages but mostly we just looked at the pictures. He said later than we didn't read the book properly and wanted to try again!

My favorite thing after the boys wake up is hearing Grahm say, "Good morning Grandma." He says it every time they sleepover. Then we all cuddle in the warm bed. Grey and Grahm takes turns asking Alexa questions or having her play some songs. 

Always a yummy breakfast before Grey and Grahm head for home. Grahm was enjoying a few blueberries and he liked the way they turned his mouth blue. 

I'm always sad for a few hours after the Grands go home. I love hearing their laughter, getting a few hugs, and seeing them having fun. Time with them is so precious.

Hurry back my two G's!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Another candle on the cake...

I was sitting next to my neighbor Karen last Sunday at church. I don't remember how we got on the subject of the new Tree of Life Sculpture Garden. Karen knew the next day was my birthday, so she invited me to go to Thanksgiving Point to see the exhibit. 

The sun was shining and it was a perfect November day.

"The Tree of Life sculpture garden, is a stunning new exhibit in the Ashton Gardens. Featuring 130 life-sized statues, The Tree of Life embodies eternal themes like hope, redemption, and personal transformation, all centered around humanity’s love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Created by world-renowned artist and sculptor Angela Johnson, The Tree of Life vividly portrays Lehi’s Vision from the Book of Mormon."

"The Tree of Life is more than just an art exhibit—it’s a transformative experience that resonates with visitors of all backgrounds. This beautifully designed space encourages spiritual reflection, while the detailed craftsmanship of the sculptures brings the iconic story from the Book of Mormon to life in a visually stunning way."

Karen and I took turns reading from an app that acts as a personal guide, offering detailed information and insight into each sculpture. As we walked the pathways and viewed each scene, I was moved to tears. I felt the love of my Savior. I enjoyed sharing this experience with Karen.

The Tree of Life weighs 25,000 pounds. I want to come back at night when the gardens are all lit up. The project took about eight years to complete. It really is breathtakingly beautiful. 

Inside this bowl was the most delicious pumpkin soup I've ever tasted. Karen treated me to lunch at one of her favorite restaurant in Provo. Taste is a charming place and they even make their own signature chocolate. The hot chocolate was out of this world! 

All I ever want for my birthday is to be with my family. But I secretly hoped we would have shrimp poke bowls for dinner! They were delicious and so was the soup. So much thanks to Mark, Tiff, and my Grands for a lovely evening. We even got to play Yahtzee and Grahm got three Yahtzee's!

My sweet Colby made me a birthday cake and it was yummy!

The next day my aides brought muffins and flowers. Then they all stopped by my office to wish me a Happy Birthday. I didn't get a picture of all of them but they sure are good people!

Monday before we went to Mark and Tiffani's, two of my neighbors, Joan and Rhonda stopped by. They had no idea that I like BBQ chips and Diet Coke... and chocolate too! Imagine my surprise when I saw this package! Joan said, "How can you go wrong with BBQ chips and Diet Coke!"

Then the next day my friend Beckie invited me to have lunch with her. We had the most savory pumpkin Pad Thai soup at Pique Thai in Highland. It doesn't matter how much time passes since we have been together, we just pick up where we left off. She's a brave and sweet friend.

I'm so grateful for the cards, text, and thoughtful gifts. I am blessed. Another candle on the cake isn't so bad when you are surrounded by people you love.