Just when I thought he could not be more handsome... Cash got a fresh haircut from Tiff. Time spent with Cash each week for piano lessons is immeasurable!
After work on Friday, I picked up Grahm for Grandma Day, and we stopped by Walmart to get a few things. He showed me his favorite giant candy bar and said, "Take a picture Grandma."
I saw something at Walmart the other day that had Grahm's name written all over it. He really had fun with the punching bag. I think he liked the boxing gloves most of all!
Grandpa showed him several moves and punches. Grahm got his fifteen minutes of exercise!
The eye of the tiger!
Grahm was worn out after his boxing round so he relaxed on the couch for a few minutes.
Colby and Grey now go to school until 3:30 so Mark and Tiff brought them later, and they got to sleepover. Cash was on a Klondike campout.
We played Grandpa Says, and Grandpa trained his favorite dogs again, then we played Hide and Go Seek, and Foosball. We had a nice dinner and watched a movie. I love the extra time with our grandsons!
Someone thinks its so funny to pull Grandpa pants down!
Humphrey and Stewart were the champions!
Every once in awhile the Grands get out the musical instruments I have downstairs. I enjoyed watching Colby and Grey play the bells and the other instruments. They made up songs and had a lot of fun.
Colby and Grey are very talented. Colby also got a new handsome haircut!
Everyone slept good and woke up happy. Grahm was last to wake up. The first person he went to was Colby. He snuggled up next to him and kissed his arm. Colby is a sweet big brother. We had a nice breakfast complete with homemade baked donuts. Time always goes by way too fast. Tim and I mope around for a few hours after the Grands go home.
Grahm has another loose tooth and he hopes the Tooth Fairy will show up this time!
Tiffani took Cash and Colby to another snowboarding lesson, and Mark took Grey and Grahm to the park. Mark sent a picture and said, "He hasn't taken them off." Grahm needed a pair of boxing gloves!
Hurry back, we love you so much!