As always Grey waits patiently for his turn for a birthday date. He was born during my favorite time of year. October 22, 2014 was a memorable Fall because that's when Grey joined our family.
It's hard to believe Grey will be nine years old! Grey is charming and often people will notice that. He has a kind and gentle heart. However, he can also hold his own against the big boys. He is thoughtful and thinks things through before making a decision. He doesn't like to be rushed! We had a wonderful birthday date and sleepover on Thursday.
I can't remember when green became his favorite color but I still smile when I think about him saying, "It's my favorite green." I hadn't planned on getting Grey a new coat but this one had his name written all over it!
Grey wanted sushi and we had a delicious lunch at Red 8. He asked me how many sushi pieces I wanted! He had most of them and that was fine with me.
Low sodium or regular soy sauce, it's a big decision!

Grey wanted to go to Boondocks but it's closed for some remodeling and they are adding a bowling alley. His second choice was Provo Beach but it didn't open until 3:00. So he was just as happy to go to Nickle City.
I took this picture because it shows Grey's gorgeous thick and wavy hair!
Back home, Grandpa and Grey played a few rounds of table air hockey.
Grey mentioned he wanted a Tamagotchi toy so I ordered up an R2D2 and a Jurassic Park version. I had never heard of the them.
Tamagotchi is a handheld digital pet that was created in Japan. You have to feed them and clean up their poo! They also need playtime and Grey had already discovered other things about his Tamagotchi's! I think he likes his new pets. He has always liked toys that fit in his pocket!
We watched a show and took turns reading a few books. Grey is a very good reader. It was a magical evening.
Then in the morning we had chocolate chippers, Grey loves pancakes!
Grey was kind enough to let take a few pictures in his new birthday clothes. He sure looks handsome. I will always cherish our birthday dates and I hope Grey can feel how much we enjoy spending time with him.
We really adore this sweet boy.
Grey has my heart and I couldn't love him more!
And really, WHY do they have to hurry and grow UP??!!