I love that our grandsons live nearby so I can help when needed. I'm especially grateful for the closeness we have been able to develop with them. I know they feel safe with us. I sure hope they know how much we love them!
Tiffani went to girls camp for a few days and Mark had work responsibilities, so I was able to take Colby and Grey to golf lessons again. Colby and Grey got to practice putting and they did so well.
Jackson, who lives across the street from us helped Colby and Grey with their putting shills.
That one is going in, good job Grey!
Grahm and I played and explored a little. We found the most beautiful tree nearby. It was huge. Grahm tried to climb it but it was just too big! He just gets cuter and more fun with each passing day.
After golf lessons we went back to get Cash and had a nice lunch together. I'm grateful for any time we have with Cash who is almost a teenager!
We decided that summer is for endless fun, we voted, and Boondocks won. Grahm was so excited he was tall enough to drive the cars all by himself.
The boats with squirt guns are always a big hit!
We were so excited to see a ropes course was added. I am a bit of a worrier but the staff calmed my fears. They have 5 point full body harnesses and everything was safe. Colby was tall enough but I wasn't sure about Grey but he was good! He was a little tentative but I didn't pressure him. Grey really wanted to try the course and was so brave, and determined. Grey and Colby loved it especially the zip line! Colby skipped mini golf and stayed at the ropes course!
Grahm loved his first time playing mini golf and even got a hole-in-one on the last shot! He was so happy, he kept saying "this is so fun." Grey and Grahm played really well, it was a blast. We looked over to checked on Colby once in awhile and he was climbing away at the ropes course!
Well, we finally got Colby off the ropes course! I think everyone was tired but happy. We had the best day!
Come on Colby!
I hope we have a few more adventure this summer!