Grahm gets a little sad when I come get Colby and Grey for piano lessons, so I promised him I would come get him another day. Well, today was the day. When I told him that he could come play he asked, "Just me?" Then he said, "Come on" and headed for the door! He's so adorable, I don't like that he's growing up so fast.
Grandpa fixed Grahm's bubble gun!
Earlier in the day Grahm rode his bike all by himself for the first time!
Grahm loves this game, he and Grandpa take turns covering each other up with blankets and pillows. This time Grandpa was a snake and he was trying to trap him.
Grahm also had fun diving into the blankets. He would yell "cannonball" and jump. What a boy!
Grahm told us that Dad has lots of shirts like mine.
Grandpa and Grahm sit outside, and tell each other made up stories. Sometimes they share one of Grandpa's big green popsicles.
They are still best friends... so much love.