Monday, April 29, 2019

Answers to Prayer...

Another favorite talk...

"An important and comforting doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that our Heavenly Father has perfect love for His children." 

"The Father is aware of us, knows our needs and will help us perfectly. Sometimes that help is given in the very moment or at least soon after we ask for divine help. Sometimes our most worthy and earnest desires are not answered in the way we hope, but we find that God has greater blessings in store. And sometimes, our righteous desires are not granted in this life." 

"We have the assurance that in His own way and in His own time, Heavenly Father will bless us and resolve all of our concerns, injustices and disappointments." 

April 2019 | Answers to Prayer

Elder Brook P. Hales

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Last week...

Grandpa walked over to the library with Colby and Cash. Cash had a coding class. Some of the computers were not working but the teacher was nice. I think he will try again.

"I want one."

Colby and Grey haven't played with the Paw Patrol pups for awhile. It was fun to watch them make believe and share with each other.

 Grey was so proud of the volcano he made with Mr. Bubbles!

Saturday soccer, it was a beautiful Spring morning. I was so proud of Colby, another boy scored a goal, he ran over to him, and gave him a high five!

Cash ran the ball all the way down the field and just missed getting a goal. He did however score a goal earlier. His skills are improving every week, and Mark is a good coach.

Grahm was charming some of the parents on the sidelines. He waved and smiled at them, he's so darling.

 Life is good.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Date with Colby and soccer game for Grey...

Colby and I had a pleasant afternoon... Boondocks, JCW's, and back to Grandma's for awhile. He's so polite, has the most contagious laugh, and is very loving. And he also has the coolest hair!

It was so fun to watch Grey play soccer yesterday evening. He ran his little heart out and of course the treats after the game made it all worth it! 
I love him.

Grahm knows how to take selfies!

Good times!

Wordless Wednesday ~ Cutest little hayseed...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Sunday...

We were finally all together for dinner yesterday. It made this mother's heart very happy. Thanks to Mark and Tiff for hosting and the always delicious roast, and to Chris for the yummy drinks, and appetizers! 



Monday, April 22, 2019

Careful versus Casual...

One of my favorite talks from April General Conference...

"Deep and lasting happiness comes by intentionally and carefully living the gospel of Jesus Christ." 

"We can rationalize all we want, but the fact is, there is not a right way to do the wrong thing."  

"If we love (the Lord) as we claim, can’t we show that love by being a little more careful in living His commandments?"

There is a careful way and a casual way to do everything, including living the gospel. Consider ways to more carefully keep the commandments of God. The Holy Ghost will help one know what adjustments to make.

April 2019 | Careful versus Casual
Sister Becky Craven

Saturday, April 20, 2019

More than anything...

More than any trip I could take, more than anything I could buy at a store, more than delicious food, more than spa day, more than anything I would rather spend the day with my grandsons. I love to hear them laughing, to see them playing outside, to watch them play soccer, to read a book together, or to get a big hug. 

More than anything I would rather spend time with my family.