"Seek women companions who live beautiful and clean lives, lives that our Heavenly Father meant for women to live. I have been drawn like a moth to a flame to women who were spiritual and uplifting. I have looked for and found every year of my life a new friend, full of righteousness, someone who I knew was better than I was, and I knew if I spent time with her, I could become better as well. My friends are such queenly women. As I look back on the thirty or forty years I have known some of them, I wonder how I had the ability as a young women, wife, and mother to choose such friends, who contribute a continuing righteousness to me. Every day I feel as if I'm bathed in righteousness. Our circle of encouraging, faithful friends will help us to make wise choices. They will be there in our times of struggle, pain, and grief to lift and bless us. Find friends; look for friends. Don't try to go it alone." ~ Ann Madsen
Dear friends, Sharon, Karen and Susan