Thursday, February 28, 2013

Till we meet again...

Well, it's hard to say good bye and let go
And it's hard to see it end
When the memories we've just made
May never happen again.
But it's harder for time to ever erase
The together times we've shared.
So, when we're apart remember
All the love we shared together
And for all that love,
Thank the Lord above
Who showed us the way
That we can be together, forever someday
~ Michael McLean

Eric and Cora

Eleanor Blomquist and Holley ~ Eleanor is a lifelong friend of Johnnie Belle, she's also 92 years old.

Johnnie Belle's BFF, Lynn Merrill. They both have a missionary heart. Lynn said, "I'll be there soon. We'll teach all the sisters and you can be the senior companion. I'll love you forever!!!!!"

Celebrating the Life of 

January 14, 1921 ~ February 17, 2013

In Loving Memory of
Johnnie Belle Holley Williams
Thursday, February 21, 2013 ~ 11:00 am
Cedar Hills 10th Ward
9737 North Chesterfield Drive
Cedar Hills, Utah
January 14, 1921
Palestine, Texas
February 17, 2013

Pleasant Grove, Utah
Bryce Williams Brad Williams
Christopher Williams Mark J. Williams
Eric Williams Brian Williams
Matthew Kay Aaron Kay
Tim J. Kay Elijah Parker
Landon Parker
On behalf of the family, we wish to express our gratitude for your many kindnesses in thought and deed, and for your attendance at the funeral services this day.
Warneski Funeral Home
1776 North 900 East ~ American Fork, Utah

Funeral Service
Family Prayer: Tim Williams
Conducting: Bishop Bruce Curtis
Prelude and Postlude: Jenny Stout
Opening Prayer: Lynn Merrill
“In the Garden”
Sung by Julie Williams Brown, Jodi Williams Muraski & Lisa Williams Gurman
Accompanied by Dianna Williams
Life Sketch: Holley Williams Kay
Speaker: Mark L. Williams
“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Sung by Julie Williams Brown, Jodi Williams Muraski & Lisa Williams Gurman
Accompanied by Dianna Williams
Speaker: Tim Williams
Speaker: Mike Williams
Speaker: Lee Williams
Closing Remarks: Bishop Bruce Curtis
“Families Can Be Together Forever”
Sung by Johnnie Belle’s grandchildren
Accompanied by Dianna Williams
Closing Prayer: Terri Williams Parker
Dedication of the Grave
Mark L. Williams
East Lawn Memorial Hills Cemetery
Provo, Utah

Johnnie Belle's grandchildren and great grandchildren sang "Families Can Be Together Forever" to conclude the service. It was a sweet moment.

Chancey Riddle, another lifelong friend of Johnnie Belle. They enjoyed the same love of learning.

Mark and Dianna, with their children Eric, Brian, Julie, Lisa and Jodi

My handsome boys with their sweet Aunt Holley

My family... Tiff took Cash and Colby home, it was nap time. I'm sad I didn't get a picture of them but I love my family so much. I do know that families can be together forever!

And I saw that I must soon go down to my grave, having been wrought upon by the power of God that I must preach and prophesy unto this people, and declare the word according to the truth which is in Christ. And I have declared it in all my days, and have rejoiced in it above that of the world.

And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen.
~ Enos 1:26:27

You were a remarkable woman... truly one of a kind!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Saying goodbye for now...

The viewing for Johnnie Belle was February 20, 2013. We appreciated the gentle acts of compassion and condolences offered by dear friends and family. The hugs and expresses of sympathy meant so much to us. A simple "I'm so sorry" was comforting and assured us that we are not alone.

Tim holding his mother's scriptures

I made this quilt for Johnnie Belle when Christopher and Mark were away on their missions to Taiwan and Denmark. I asked everyone to draw around their hands and write a message on the hearts. She opened it Christmas morning and burst into tears. She loved it and it hung in her bedroom until she moved to an apartment in Salt Lake City.

Tim ~ Mike ~ Lee

Our niece Lisa and nephew Brian with Uncle Tim

Beautiful, sweet Holley... she has been a devoted and caring daughter. 

Beautiful nieces Brooke and Robyn with Billie and Abe

Gorgeous sisters... nieces Cheyenne and Becca

My sweet friend Lorie

and my dear friends Barbara and Susan

After the viewing our nieces Julie, Jodi, and Lisa practiced the songs they would be singing for the funeral. Their mother Dianna accompanied them on the piano.

Tim and I played with Jodi's 2 week old daughter Lucy...

and Julie's 8 months old daughter Cora. We enjoyed having them stay with us. It was a sweet experience hearing them practice. They were struggling with how they wanted to sing the songs. At one point they stopped and Julie offered a prayer. After that everything came together, their voices blend so well. A heavenly sound!

Sweet Cora, I love her big, blue eyes!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Love you forever...

 I'll Love You Forever, I'll Like You For Always...

What is this thing that men call death?
This quiet passing in the night?
‘Tis not the end but genesis
Of better worlds and greater light

O God, touch Thou my aching heart
And calm my troubled, haunting fears
Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure
Give strength and peace beyond my tears.

There is no death, but only change
With recompense for vict’ry won
The gift of Him who loved all men
The Son of God, the Holy One.

We miss our little Southern Belle.